Headquartered within steps of the USPTO with an affiliate office in Tokyo, Oblon is one of the largest law firms in the United States focused exclusively on intellectual property law.
Norman Oblon with Stanley Fisher and Marvin Spivak launched what was to become Oblon, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, LLP, one of the nation's leading full-service intellectual property law firms.
Outside the US, we service companies based in Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and farther corners of the world. Our culturally aware attorneys speak many languages, including Japanese, French, German, Mandarin, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Farsi, Chinese.
Oblon's professionals provide industry-leading IP legal services to many of the world's most admired innovators and brands.
From the minute you walk through our doors, you'll become a valuable part of a team that fosters a culture of innovation, client service and collegiality.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued final rules implementing the inventor's oath or declaration provisions of the America Invents Act (AIA) on August 14, 2012.
Les Nouvelles - Licensing Executives Society International (LESI)
尾上 友紀
尾上 友紀氏は、化学プラクティスグループのパートナー、共同部門長です。尾上氏はまた東京事務所の所長であり、ライフサイエンスプラクティスと訴訟プラクティスグループのパートナーでもあります。尾上氏は、医薬品、診断薬、サプリメント、光学材料、バッテリー部品などの分野の米国特許出願・権利化業務に従事しています。また、法律鑑定やカウンセリングの提供、訴訟前調査、ディスカバリ、特許付与後手続きにおける顧客のサポートも行っています。